Other Letters

To William from His Father

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 29, 1865

Jan 29th 1865

Dear Son/

I received your letter and was glad to hear that you was enjoying good health as this leaves us all at present  I should have wrote sooner but I saw your wife and she told me that she expected you home about the last of the month but it seems that wee shall be disapointed  at present wee should all like to see you  the Children are often speaking about you and asking when will big William come home

wee have a verry cold winter  out at Darby the wether is verry severe  wee are getting along verry well  provisions are dear and living is verry high but wee have to make the best of it  I think by the accounts that the war is near played out  theire is great talk about peace but I believe Jeff Davis will not accept terms of peace only by having the confederacy recognized as free  I expect their will be a draft next month  recruiting is not verry brisk though there is large bounty offered  but it seems that the people are not verry fond of enlisting at present. Your Sister Margreat is living at home  she is just come in from west philadelphia where she has been spending the night  she says that your Mother in law is verry sick  they do not expect her to live  it appears she is verry low

Mary is growing a fine big girl  she is often talking about you  when I told her that you asked about her she smiled all the face over.  Richard is growing a big boy  he says that he will be down there in about a year  he wants to know if you want a boy to take care of your horses and black your boots  and Jane wants to know if you want a waiting maid  she says that she could cook for you and wash for you.  Agness Ellen Emma send their love to you and they would like to see you  Clara and Martha dant know much about you but they are growing verry well  Martha could walk at 18 months old

I have no news to send at present  I think the Family is all about the same thing  I must conclude by sending my love to you and the Children all join in sending their love to you and wants to hear from you soon again  Write soon again.

Wee had a letter from Bill last week  he is well at present.

From Your Affect. Father
Richard H Lancaster

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