The Civil War Letters

Bermuda Hundred, Virginia

September 28, 1864

Jones Creek, Va
September 28 th 1864

My Dear Wife

i received your kind letter this morning and i also received one from you the other day  i was glad to hear that you was still injoying good health as this leaves me at present.

We are going to start on a expedition to night  i cannot Say where to but from what i can learn Somebody will get hurt before we get back  i hope for your sake it will not be me  but we will have to trust in God and he will take care of me.  Dear Maggie  i have not much time to write  i am busy getting my company ready for the tug of war  i hope i shall come out all right  i must close my letter for my time is short

Remember me Kindly to all the Family.  My Best Love to you
i am as Ever Your Affectionate Husband
William Lancaster

Lieut Wm Lancaster
11th Pa. Cavalry Co. E
Bermuda Hundred

Enclosed you will find the Communication you received from the asst adjt General Washington  i hope William will Soon be exchanged
W Lancaster

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